Friday, October 15, 2010

What motivates me

What motivates me as a learner is having a teacher who is passionate about what they are doing. I could tell the teachers who really truly had a love for what they were teaching and those that were thrown into the position they had. When the teacher was passionate about what they were teaching it made me more eager to learn. When I had a teacher who was passionate it made me want to get as much out of that class as I could. My goal when I am a teacher is to really show through my teaching that this is really what I love to do. I think even kids in elementary can tell if you are passionate. It motivates me so much to do my best when the teacher is so passionate about what they were doing. Motivation always stems soley from the student. As teachers we need to inspire them to be motivated and I feel like the best way to do that is to show your passion through your teachings.

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